Thursday, September 28, 2023
I met Shirley shortly after she moved to Brookdale and we instantly became friends. I always told her she should be in a Brookdale commercial as their model! Shirley was beautiful and elegant and a classy lady. Her Catholic faith was a beautiful example to behold and our mutual love of the Blessed Mother is something I will always treasure. Shirley was spunky and quick witted but not very good at Bingo! Her apartment was a reflection of her.. classy and lovely. Very few people could look beautiful in their pajamas and very few could have perfect hair while sick but Shirley pulled it off with ease:) It is very difficult to walk past her apartment without knocking and giving her a hug or little goodie.. I will miss her terribly but she will always have a special place in my heart. I love you Shirley and I know it was you who helped me win chocolate bingo while sitting in your seat yesterday.
Dorothy Burns’s daughter Mary